HEX: #3b5d73
HEX: #3b5d73 lives on trying to be the most successful version of himself. He has big ambitions for his future, his vision of life is almost completely carved in his mind. He wants to be able to wear his suit to work with pride, growing into his own can be a challenge the older he gets. He looks at his reflection now, hoping he is doing everything right. He is scared that he will turn out something completely different than what he envisioned for himself. So he stays on course, he makes sure he takes his school and career work seriously, he does a lot of self teaching to make sure he learns everything he needs to know to reach his goals. While he self teaches, he inherits so much knowledge that he has a great deal to offer potential companies he wants to work for. He always presents himself in the best light possible to make sure he is the most qualified person for each position he applies for. Self teaching can become chaotic, because he, the student, is now the teacher and the learner.
He makes pre-impact, impact, and post-impact decisions for himself which are motivated by the interests and curiosity he has for the subject matter he is studying. His curiosity leads him in a direction where he learns new things about the industry even when not required. If he goes into a situation where he does not know something, he tells himself it is important to stay confident even if his mind is blank, because confidence can take you far.
In interviews, for companies he wants to work, he presents the most confident version of himself that he needs in order to succeed. In the back of his mind, his fear of becoming someone he does not want to be, lingers. He says he always takes life one step at a time; a personal circumstance happened to him six years ago that reminds him that he cannot stress about the small things in life because there is bigger stuff to worry about, so he always keeps the bigger picture in the back of his mind.
Being extremely motivated and a self learner, has opened the door for him to gain a lot of experience in the industry he wants to be in. Since his most important stress is becoming very successful, he is sometimes forced to be in places where he does not want to be while his friends live any way they want to have fun. This causes him to leave his body sometimes, and he thinks he should be with them instead of staying on his set path. In those situations, he reflects on what he should do, while the shadow is looming telling him to leave his path. He fears missing out, but recognizes that he needs to keep working on himself so his main fear of not becoming the most successful version of himself, does not become his reality.
Grit gives him the extra emphasis to be successful. His grit helps him excel because it gives him an excellent work ethic. He believes he should master the things he needs to do long term by sticking with them until they are perfect. He still has a lot of growth left, but he loves himself enough to create an environment in his life that is positive to nourish his personal growth. A vibrant surrounding and self commitment to making astute choices enhances the greatest expression of his unique beauty and purpose of his personal growth. He is still reaching toward his optimal personal peak, he is still exploring. He is close to that flourishing sense of identity, however he is aware that there are still many obstacles to take on.
He is a seeker of success, truly and deeply craving it always. Greatness varies from person-to-person and his thought of how he will reach success is what sets him apart from the others.
Becoming successful requires responsibilities, HEX: #3b5d73 has never been afraid to push himself to execute. Success doesn’t happen right away, so he has been patient for things to fall into place. HEX: #3b5d73’s mantra is to never give up on his goals or dreams that he wants to achieve. HEX: #3b5d73 is very self-disciplined and makes very wise decisions.
Success to HEX: #3b5d73 means that he believes in himself, loves himself and is happy with who he is. His basic tenet of wishing to succeed is that he is willing to fail to learn from his mistakes. He always accepts personal responsibility and takes the creator role in his life.
Being the creator of his own journey, allows him to be a huge risk-taker. He has a high level of self-management and is consistently planning and taking purposeful actions in pursuit of his goals and dreams. He knows what it is that he wants, and has a plan on what steps he needs to take in order to achieve them.
He has a lot of self-motivation and finds purpose in his life by discovering personally meaningful goals and dreams. He realizes his own incredible potential and all of his current and past experiences contribute to the creation of his best self.
The main ingredient in all of his success is his ability to make informed choices. That's because the quality of his life is determined by the quality of the choices he makes on a daily basis.
“There was a moment where I was studying interview prep for jobs, because I have to do that if I want to improve myself. In those moments, would I rather be with my friends? Yes. However, I always need to focus on where does my hard work lead. It leads to the freedom, the end goal I want: to be successful. It is sometimes mentally straining, but when I grow up, I will be able to do the fun stuff I want to do in those moments where I wish I was somewhere else.”
A lot of his internal motivation for success comes from his father. He mimics many of his qualities while driving through life.
HEX: #3b5d73 is this hue of blue because he is a mixture of blue, white, purple, green, and yellow.
Green: For security, he is happiest when he is secure with the vocational position he is in.
Blue: His drive. He is extremely motivated and serious about his goals. He has a complex plan and mindset to run over obstacles and get to the finish line, so he can enjoy the little moments surrounding his work life more.
Yellow: He keeps a cool, bright personality. He is always positive and does not bring out his struggles on other people, he keeps them internalized.
White: He is constantly growing as a person. He puts himself into rebirthing situations that are out of his comfort zone, so he brings his identity to the next level.
Purple: For his frustration that comes along with his career path, all of the different elements become irritating to handle.