Letter to Eitan Taub

Eitan is one of the smartest people I know, I am so grateful that we became friends and that he is in my life forever. He always tells it like it is and never hesitates.”

Dear Eitan,

Thank you for being such an inspiration to HEX: #aa4322, he believes you have impacted him tremendously. You have been a huge part as to why the images were composed a certain way for the dissemination of Ryan’s story. I, especially, appreciate how much of an inspiration you have been in Ryan’s life to help him grow and constantly remind him of the important truths. Hearing your impact in his life really helped me capture the story of Ryan in the best way possible for this project.

Based off of my interview with Ryan, You are HEX CODE: #2ECC71 because you are honest, wise, and understand the importance of renewal. Ryan appreciates you for those qualities. Your HEX CODE has the emphasis of intellect and rebirth. This leads me into stating the components of your character that are translated into a unique color HEX CODE which I made for you and is named after you.

You are green. You are the color of progress. You contain many implied value-judgements. You believe when­ever the change is better for an upward trend, there is progress. Progress connotes improvement and betterment and it is not merely direction, but direction towards some final goal, some destination which refers to the change that leads to human happiness. You live a complex life that you easily simplify for yourself. This makes your lifestyle more comforting.

You help people find the balance between their head and their heart, you are a holistic healer. You are filled with good intention and sound judgement. You provide so much clarity because you are such an active listener.

Your emotional intelligence is completely developed and is enhanced by paying attention to the world and one’s place in it. You have a heightened sense of awareness, but also have diligence from those who are new to the concept. You leverage your intuition, control your impulses, and understand you have a sense of purpose.

You remind Ryan of positive times ahead as his decisions lead to a glistening reality. You are the reason why Ryan has found calmness and does not have impaired judgement.

A moment between you and Ryan that exemplified your characteristics and your relationship with him is when you were completely honest with him two months ago.

“This actually happened like 2 months ago. I went through some stuff with my friends and was in a bad place. Eitan is a really smart and logistical kid and tells you want you need to hear and not what you want to hear. He dropped a couple truth bombs on me that were extremely hard to hear in the moment, but as time passed I realized how correct he was. His advice was hard to hear but really changed the way I perceived some things and I still think about that conversation at least once a day. Eitan truly does care about his friends and he is a really smart kid who goes the extra mile when you need him to.”

Ryan believes walking through life with you has been an amazing journey; he honors you and the rest of the years you both will have together. Continue to embrace and support the people you care about, those green elements of your personality are what is going to bring the truths and logistical advice to the people who are blinded by chaos.


Siena Pennington

**This is the photo in his story that you were the inspiration for the use of exposure, composition, and lighting.**

Your green is not in the photo, but you were inspiration for the honesty of the fire. Sometimes it is important to burn and crash down with honesty about the situation instead of being complacent in a web of lies. In the situations Ryan has been in, it is important that he understand the complexity and logistics of his situation to come to a logical conclusion for healing.


Letter to Mr. Reynolds