Letter to Uncle Ran
“Uncle Ran is my blood father. He is so much like me, he was the one that taught me how to cook, he had the informative talks with me about growing up, he was everything my “real” father never ended up being. He would take me to concerts and we would have movie nights, he made me realize that the struggles are not as important as those small moments in life with the people that care about you. He reminds me of a sunset over a lake.”
Dear Uncle Ran,
Thank you for being such an inspiration to HEX: #aa4322, he believes you have impacted him tremendously. You have been a huge part as to why the images were composed a certain way for the dissemination of Ryan’s story. I, especially, appreciate how much of an inspiration you have been in Ryan’s life to help him grow and constantly remind him that he is a beautiful human being. Hearing your impact in his life really helped me capture the story of Ryan in the best way possible for this project.
Based off of my interview with Ryan, You are HEX CODE: #fa7610 because you are devoted, encouraging, balanced, enthusiastic, and inviting. Ryan appreciates you for those qualities. Your HEX CODE has the emphasis of devotion, invitation, and balance. Kudos to you for taking on the role that his own father could not fulfill. You will forever inspire Ryan and the people that surround him. This leads me into stating the components of your character that are translated into a unique color HEX CODE which I made for you and is named after you. You are the place Ryan calls home.
UNCLE RAN: HEX: #fa7610
You are the color of devotion. You became the father that HEX: #aa4322’s actual father failed at being, you continuously taught Ryan the fundamental values of life that are needed to survive in society. Your devotion to his belonging has molded Ryan into the man he is today. You are the father figure he looks up to, he cherishes your existence. You are the reason why Ryan has found moments of peace within himself.
You are balanced. You taught Ryan the importance of family and a support system despite the events he has been put through. Since he understands these values, he wants to create a family of his own and be a father that mimics your attributes.
Being the color of orange, you free all spirits of their limitations. You continually free Ryan of all the limits that he puts on himself; you remind him that those limits are a hallucination from his own mind.
A moment between you and Ryan that exemplified your characteristics and your relationship with him is the time you told him you loved him while tucking him into bed while he was extremely young.
“I think the moment I realized how important [Uncle Ran] was in my life is when I was really young, I would say roughly seven or eight. My mom and dad went out of town to a concert and instead of sending me to my grandma’s they sent me to Uncle Ran’s house. We watched F1 together and he put me to bed…told me he loved me. I think it was really special because even though I was really young, I knew that he meant it a lot. I still remember that day like it was yesterday.”
Ryan believes walking through life with you has been an amazing journey; he honors you and the rest of the years you both will have together. Continue to stay grounded and inspire the people you care about while being a huge support system for them, those orange elements of your personality are what is going to keep everyone calm in this hectic society.
You are so strong and a huge inspiration, keep bringing the balance to life’s biggest destroyers. :)
Siena Pennington
**This is the photo in his story that you were the inspiration for the use of exposure, composition, and lighting.**